Friday, May 15, 2015

Easter 2015

Easter weekend was extra busy this year since it was also General Conference weekend.  I tried to be on top of things by making my cinnamon rolls on Friday and having all of Matt's and Thomas' Easter basket gifts ready, but it was still pretty crazy on Sunday.  We had a wonderful time listening to General Conference.  On Sunday morning we had some friends over and had breakfast together.  Then we did Easter baskets as a family SUPER FAST and headed up to Matt's sister's house for the afternoon session of conference and Easter dinner.

Being up with Matt's sister and her family was a lot of fun.  We love hanging out with them and it was really cute to see Eliza and Jonathan play with Thomas.  He always had a million toys around him which cracked me up, but he was in heaven.  Dinner was amazing as always thanks to Steph (and no thanks to my rolls that got flat in the car on the way over) and we had a great time.  I'm so grateful for our family.

I also took some pictures of my little rabbit boy because I'm obsessed with him.  I couldn't resist so here are some lovelies of him in the grass.  Most of the time he was actually trying to eat the grass like a real rabbit.

"Easter Sunday"... it was actually a week before Easter.

Cute cousins.  Thomas loves Jonathan and Eliza so much.  I love them too... and I love that they're so great at entertaining him :)

How could anyone not love this little guy?  We are totally smitten.

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