Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I LOVE this.  It's my favorite thing right now.

Sometimes you just need a pick me up . . . even when you're not sad.  This did it for me today.  Balloons make me happy.  And I love clouds.  Most of all, I love knowing that no matter what happens, we can put all of our faith in the Lord because He will never let us down.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Dreams May Be Coming True

So at the end of the school year Matt and I made a deal that I could save up half of what I earned this summer (other than our regular salary income) towards a DSLR camera.  I have been wanting one for quite some time now and the time has come my friends.  The countdown is on!  This summer I was lucky enough to get hired onto a kindergarten team that got a sweet collaboration grant so between that and some math core training days I went to... I'm actually going to get my dream camera!  Sadly I don't actually get paid for all of this until August or September, but I am sooo excited! Here, you can share the excitement with me.  Feast your eyes on this beauty...

and my other major wish list item... A JoTotes camera bag.  I love them.  Too bad they're like a hundred bucks though.  This item might have to stay on my wish list forever haha.

Anyway, if you can't tell yet, I'm super excited about this!   Hopefully nothing goes wrong with my master plan so that I can eventually get these beauties.  I'm sure I'll post about it again if I do, but for now... it's fun to research and be excited.  

Story of My Life

I swear this is totally me.  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cabin Fever Take 1

So in May Matt and I got to go on a fun little weekend getaway to Matt's family cabin in Wyoming with our friends Kortney and Clayton.  We went up to open up the cabin for the summer, but really all we had to do was be at the cabin so the plumber could come and do everything :).  It was an awesome trip though.  We played tons of shuffleboard and games, attempted fishing for a good ten minutes, went to the splash pad, made cute wreaths (well, Kort and I did), made a lot of delicious food, and ate my favorite treat.. Dirty Sally's Ice Cream :).  I'm so glad Nana made an exception and let us bring friends up to the cabin because we loved sharing such a special place with our friends.  What a great trip!  I can't wait to go next week!

A little... or a lot of shuffleboard 

 Golf cart party for about ten seconds before it died haha

Fishing!! Also for about ten minutes :)

Kort was little cold.

Serious dominoes.

Dirty Sally's!  Next step... t-shirts with her face on it!

Final product of our craftiness.


Sad Goodbyes & New Beginnings

Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and hope that God won't let you fall.

I loved teaching this past year.  Of course things weren't perfect at my school as many of you know, but I loved working at Liberty Academy.  My students were the greatest and I loved a lot of the teachers and staff there.  With Matt probably going to grad school in another year I was excited to teach one more year at Liberty and help the school keep growing stronger, but sadly things got pretty crazy at the end of the school year.  

My principal who had come out of retirement to be the director at our school decided that he was going to retire once and for all after bringing our school up to such great heights over the past couple years.  However, when he announced this the school board and some of the members of the parent council went a little crazy and decided to try and implement huge changes.  To make a long story short, my school decided to be a new campus for American Preparatory Academy which is a very strict, direct instruction school that uses very scripted programs and teaching styles that I don't agree with.  Without knowing if I would have another job for the following year, I decided that my first year would also be my last year at liberty.  As hard as it was to say goodbye to my cute little kiddos knowing that I wouldn't see all of them again, I packed up my classroom and started searching for a new job in hopes of being blessed if I took this leap of faith.  

Right before the school year ended, I was blessed with a few offers for different schools and chose to work at Freedom Elementary in Highland, UT.  Freedom is an incredible school and it was at the very top of my list so I was sooooo happy when I got the call saying I got the job.  I'll be teaching kindergarten again this next year, but things will be a little different.  For one, I will be teaching two half day sessions of kindergarten instead of one full day session.  I will also have at least 55 students instead of 19 which will be a big change, but I'm really excited about it.  Freedom has great parent support and I'm hoping to even have a teacher's aid for a couple hours each day :).  Oh, and did I mention that the school has an awesome closet that I'm in love with?  Hellooo organization :)  Anyway, I'm really excited.  I will DEFINITELY miss Liberty, but I feel like I'll love this new opportunity even more.  

Before I jump to the next school year too quickly... here are a couple cute pictures of my AWESOME class.  I love these kids so much.  I hope they all remember their nerdy kindergarten teacher :)

Kindergarten field trip to the zoo!

Kinder team

Field Day.  Love these boys.

Final goodbyes.  Love this girl.

Like I wasn't ever there.  Crazy.

Later, Liberty.  It's been real.

 Best team & principal.  So glad I got to work with Rick Clark.

Best class ever... including my sidekick of a sister.  I already miss them so much!

Oh, and.... after school was over I got to go visit one of my students at her parents' nail salon.  Love her forever.  Isn't she adorable?!?

The other hard goodbye was with my sister.  Sarah is happily serving in the Ventura California mission, but it has been pretty hard for me to not have my little sister and best friend here in Provo with me.  Sarah and I went grocery shopping together every Tuesday and we went to Zumba together a couple times a week all year while she was up here so it's been a pretty big change for me.  Luckily I get to write her and she seems really happy, but it's hard not having my only sister to call and talk to all the time.  I posted a couple of these pictures on Facebook a while ago, but here are some cute pictures of the one, the only, Hermana Schmidt.  I was lucky enough to be the one that brought her to the MTC.  Sarah and I got to hang out around temple square for a little bit before going to lunch with Dave and heading off to the MTC.  It will forever be one of my favorite memories.  I love this girl.  She will be one incredible missionary!

 What a cute missionary.

Besties forever.

One final heel click... and she's off!  

As hard as it has been for me to let my sister and my students go, I am really excited for the new adventures that are ahead of me.  I am so blessed. 

Happiest Place & Happiest 1 Year!

Soooo in case you haven't noticed, it's been a REALLY long time since I've posted anything on here.  The truth is that I kept thinking about it, but catching up on things always seems like such a big project and with my lazy summer turning out to be a not so lazy summer, I guess I never got around to it. Anyway, I'm ready to be on top of things.  I think it's about time.  Here goes nothing...

Back in April Matt and I got invited to go on a short, semi-spontaneous trip to Disneyland right before my sister left for her mission.  She mentioned in passing how cool she thought it'd be to go to Disneyland before she left (not thinking much of it), and my parents jumped on the opportunity to do something special for her as a last hurrah.  And what a great last hurrah it was!  We had a blast!

The Start of an awesome day

Love him

CHURROS!!! Possibly my favorite part of Disneyland.

 Sister love.

Haha Dave's face is my favorite.  Buzz!!

Oh and let me tell you... if you haven't gone to Cars Land you HAVE to go.  Honestly, it was soo cool.  I heard it was sweet, but I was seriously in awe when we got there in the evening and everything was lit up.  I felt like I was at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for goodness sakes!  Seriously.  It might have changed my life.  Ok, that's the end of my Disneyland rant.

The day after Disneyland was our 1st Anniversary!  It was a little different than I was hoping for... being with my family and all, but it was great.  Before leaving California to go to Mesa and listen to Sarah speak before leaving on her mission, we stopped by a beautiful beach and ate one of the best breakfasts I've had in a long time.  Finally after the drive, we celebrated by eating part of our wedding cake (which was suprisingly tasty).  We actually ended up celebrating our anniversary a week late in Provo by going to Carrabba's for dinner and having a great night.

Our beautiful cake.  Thanks again Rachel!

 Happy 1 year to us!  I couldn't be happier!!