Saturday, October 20, 2012

Teaching, Crafting, and Chicken.

     Sometimes teaching five year olds can be a little exhausting.  At first when people told me that I was a saint for teaching kindergarten or that they could never do something like that I thought they were just trying to make me feel good.  Now I'm starting to see what they were talking about.  I love my little kiddos and that makes my job fun, but it's hard to be spunky and happy all day every day... especially on days when you don't feel well.  Luckily, I have the cutest class in the world.  See for yourself.  This is why I teach...

     Balancing being a "great" teacher and a "great" wife has been a little rough for me because I always feel like I'm slacking in one department.  I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now, but I'm really grateful for a patient husband.  Sometimes after getting home from a rough day at school, the last thing I want to do is spend a bunch of time cooking and cleaning so I've been simplifying my cooking style by boiling and freezing shredded chicken.  It saves me sooo much time.  Anyway, last weekend I saw an awesome one day sale for chicken so I went down to Macey's to buy some and let's just say the ad was a little misleading so I ended up walking out of the store with 20 pounds of chicken!  Here's a pic to prove it :)   Let me know if you have any great chicken breast recipes haha.

     I've also been trying to balance my life by doing something for myself which basically means... being crafty :).  I should probably start exercising more so that I can actually fund my addiction (Matt & I made a deal a while ago), but that's besides the point.  Here are a couple projects I've done recently for our little apartment we love... 

 First I made pillows which was my first REAL project with my new sewing machine that I got from my parents for my graduation gift.  I copied my sister-in-law Stephanie's idea with the ruffle, but I love it. Thanks Steph!

 Next I made a matching valance for the kitchen mostly because I'm too cheap now to pay for two valances that are twenty bucks each... getting married does things like that to you haha.  I'm happy with how it turned out though.

Finally I made a fall wreath.  It's a lot cuter in person, but it's been on my to do list for a long time so I'm glad I finally did it.  

That about brings us up to date with all the dorky (and fun) wifey things in my life.  Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. I love this! And I love Kindergarten! It's definitely not an easy job, but well worth it once you see your students understand a concept, or learn to read. :)

    As for a chicken recipe, I love this sweet and sour crock pot chicken recipe:

    1 can/ jar spaghetti sauce

    thawed chicken (as much as desired--I usually just line the bottom of the crock pot to serve Spencer and I, and it makes leftovers)

    1 can pineapple chunks

    2 carrots, peeled and sliced

    Dump all that in the crock pot then add 1/4 cup Brown sugar and about a tablespoon of yellow mustard. You can add bell peppers during the last hour, if desired.

    Cook on high for 3-4 hours. Serve over white rice.
