Sunday, August 23, 2015

Thomas' 1st Birthday!

Happy first birthday to our little guy (July 15th)!  Thomas is seriously a hoot and we love him so much.  He makes us so happy. It's so crazy to think that he's already one and isn't much of a baby anymore.  He can't walk yet, but he's definitely turning into a little more of a toddler.  He's so fun and so busy.  We just can't get enough of him.

While we were up at Matt's family's cabin we had a little early birthday party for Thomas and his cousin Will who is three days younger than T.  We made cupcakes and it was fun to watch the boys in action.  Thomas dove right in and LOVED his cupcake.  In fact, he ate two of them although I'm sure he would've eaten six if I would've given them to him.  Will was super cute too and it was fun to have a party for both of them, but sadly Will wasn't feeling great and wasn't really in for a cupcake that day.  Grandma did dip his pacifier in the frosting which he liked.  That was pretty dang cute too.

We celebrated Thomas' birthday for real with my sister, her fiance, our friends Kortney and Clayton, and Kort's siblings.  We had a pretty low key party at our favorite park, but it was really fun.  Thomas wore a little "ONE" t-shirt I made him and we ate a yummy BBQ dinner and watched Thomas dig into his cake.  He didn't exactly smash it like I figured he would, but he was definitely interested in it.  He ate a ton of the frosting off the top and got into the cake, but I think by then he got distracted by all the fun things at the park... especially the swings.

All in all, it was a fun party and Thomas got a lot of cute presents from his friends.  We definitely felt the love and I hope he did too.  He is just the sweetest, cheesiest little guy.  We love our little T so much.  Happy Birthday, little dude!

Now I just need to buckle down and take some real one year old pictures.  Here's some of his party for now though :)

The whole crew.  I made his hat and it was pretty cute if I do say so myself, but he wasn't a big fan of it. Oh well, it made it into one picture.

I love his little finger prints. 

He was obviously too intrigued by his cake to take a picture. 

 Opening presents.  

Loving his new book.

Having fun with Kortney & Clayton.  We love them.  I know this picture is blurry, but I love it.

Oh Sarah and Blake.  Don't I just have the cutest sister?  She's super sweet too.  Oh and Blake's pretty great too :)

They get married next month.  Crazy. 

Happy Birthday, kiddo.  We love you!!!