Wednesday, October 7, 2015

One Year Old Pictures

Remember how I have an almost fifteen month old and I haven't posted any real one year old pictures?  Yeah, me too.  I'm usually on top of taking pictures because I LOVE taking pictures, but for some reason these one year old pictures were so daunting to me.  I was so stressed that they weren't going to turn out cute.  I didn't want to miss this monumental moment in my child's life because I skimped and did my own pictures instead of paying someone else to take them.

Anyway, I finally took his pictures about a two months ago or so and I decided I'm happy with them :).  He's pretty busy now days and he's harder to photograph (hello fast shutter speed), but he's pretty adorable.  I just love him.  So here are some pictures of my cute little man :)

1 comment:

  1. These pictures turned out great. I can't believe how old he is! And he's so cute! His little grin kills me every time :)
