Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Great Outdoors

So Matt and I got a little grill for our wedding that we were soooo excited about, but for some reason we didn't ever take it out of the box until Matt suddenly decided on General Conference Saturday that we HAD to barbecue that day.  Being the supporting wife that I TRY to be, I agreed to go to Winco with Matt so that we could get some meat and charcoal so that we could BBQ.  Sarah came over and we were all set but the coals didn't get warm enough because apparently we bought the cheap kind.  We finally decided to bring our shish kabobs inside and cook them on our Griddler.  We were a little disappointed that we had to bring it all inside, but we still ate it out front on little lawn chairs and had a great time.  I'm hoping we can figure out this grilling stuff soon though because I plan on barbecuing all summer.

Oh and during Priesthood Session of General Conference Sarah and I took a little bike ride to Sub Zero for some ice cream.  We decided to bike it back before we ate it so that I could save some for Matt, but Sarah's was a little melty by the time we got home.  I must say though... I was proud of myself for biking one handed the whole way home.  Just imagine me biking with a big pie box in one arm.  I'm sure it was quite a sight to see.  Anyway, the ice cream was delicious so that's really all that mattered.  Oh and Sarah looked awesome in her bike helmet so even though she didn't want me to I had to snatch a picture :)

I don't know what I'm going to do without the girl when she goes on her mission in just over three weeks.  I am so grateful that I was blessed with the most incredible sister and best friend.  

Spring Break

So this is a little weird to explain... I LOVE my job and it makes me really happy, but I'm always looking forward to my days off.  For a long time I was really looking forward to Spring Break and all my waiting finally paid off because I had a great time with my family in Mesa.  The weather was nice and warm, and I had a lot of fun playing Mike and Jill's family, Tim and Brittany's family, my parents, and my two bestest friends Shauni and Tara.

I got to spend a lot of time with Macey and Sydney because they're living at our house right now.  Just look at those cute faces haha... I'm already missing them.  

Syd and I bonded because we like the same foods: Lucky Charms and...

Nielsen's frozen custard!

It was so great to hang out all these cute girls.  I'm so glad they all live in Mesa now!

Oh and as a side note... I FINALLY got my licensed changed so I'm officially a Calton (again).  I was kind of hoping to keep my fifteen-year-old picture, but it was pretty bad so I wasn't too bummed about the change even though my new picture makes me look like I have a chubby face.  Oh well.  Maybe I'll change it again in about fifty years when it expires and I actually do have a chubby face.  

This is the old pic.  It was time. 

Holidays, Family, and Great Food

Things have been pretty great at the Calton house recently.  We've made some fun new discoveries and we've been going on some little adventures that I always get excited about.  The weather's been getting better too so it's been nice to actually be able to spend some time outside.  I  can't wait for all the fun things we're going to do this summer, but I probably shouldn't get ahead of myself because right now things are pretty great too.  

A little while ago Matt and I discovered this new Colombian food restaurant in Provo.  At first I was a little hesitant because some of the Colombian food we've had was just ok in my book, but after trying this place I am totally addicted!  I swear I think about arepas and yummy guanabana juice all the time now.  Good thing we have a budget for eating out or we'd probably be going broke because I seriously love it.   

Matt and I also played our first game of "soda pong" at a St. Patrick's Day party.  It was a lot of fun.  At first I was TERRIBLE and I couldn't make a shot for several rounds, but eventually I got a lot better so I was pretty proud of myself :).  We played guys vs. girls and the loser was the first team to go to the bathroom after drinking all the soda.  Lucky for me... I have a sweet husband that just happened to inform all the other guys of my bathroom habits on car trips so they all focused on me and I had to drink tons of soda.  Sadly Matt and I had to run off before the game was over, but I don't know how much longer I would've lasted so I think I got off easy :)  

A few weeks ago, Matt's brother, Mark, and his cute little family came into town and we got to babysit David and Abigail while Mark and Megan went to a choir concert.  Matt was seriously in heaven because we don't get to see them very often but Matt LOVES David.  It was pretty cute to watch them play hide and seek and Mario Kart together.  

 We were also blessed to be with family for Easter this year.  My little brother and sister both live in Provo right now so we got to host the "big" family dinner this year.  After the easter bunny came for Matt and I :), we did the traditional Decker dinner of ham, funeral potatoes (Schmidt potatoes) with rolls and peas and then we even topped it all off with a delicious banana cream pie.  It was a lot of fun to spend the day with my family.  I'm so lucky to have them all so close.
The Easter bunny was pretty good to us this year :)

My adorable sister :)

My ridiculous husband haha... love him

Monday, April 1, 2013

Throw Back Whatever Day

I realize that it's not Thursday so I can't exactly do a TBT post, but while I was at home by myself for a good eight and a half hours today (ON SPRING BREAK) I took out my old computer and started looking at all the pictures I've had since I got my macbook after graduating high school.  Sometimes I forget about all the funny stories I have.  Anyway, here's my throwback whatever for the day :)

That one time Shauni & I went down a pudding slide...

 When Nicole and I successfully attempted to share my fatty patty pants

 Summer of 2011 I think when Tara got married.  This was her bachelorette party-ish.  We missed her.

 Two summers ago when Jess and I made a two person cow costume so we could get free chicken

 One of the many pictures my old roommates and I took to battle with our friends in a roommate picture competition.

One of the many dress up experiences I had with Tara

 That one time I fit myself into a dryer

And the cute boy that I liked in my chemistry class that I ended up marrying :)

What a happy life :)